Growing up Online


I am part of the generation that run into people and objects due to our noses being glued to our technology. Although being raised in a remote, rural area, I was always aware of the rapidly advancing technology in the world. In this way, I feel as if because I was born with hardly any technology and was able to see it evolve alongside myself, I can appreciate it and admire it, unlike many younger people who take it completely for granted and expect a MacBook at their feet when they ask for it and dread the moment they have to actually converse with people when their phones die. These are the people who’s baby pictures were taken on an iPhone rather than a disposable camera.
I feel as though many people who have grown up alongside the ever-improving devices of the world have had everything at their fingertips. We no longer have the patience to figure something out on our own, or wait for information, as Google is our best friend and now our phones are able to talk back to us and answer all of our queries. These technologies have advantages, such as connecting with people you would not being able to associate with if it weren’t for social media, but it has also given people the opportunity to spit opinions anonymously without much consequence. The internet has also fed all of this generation’s voyeuristic tendencies by stuffing us with useless facts about what everyone ate for lunch and what designer clothing they wore, and this has also encouraged people to worry more about the presence of their online persona rather than what people see when they socialise in the physical world.

In relation to education, the Internet has been a vital tool in the sense that it allows us to access many more resources, as well as being fast at it. I feel like school curriculums have also become slightly more difficult to compensate for the ease of access we now have for all worldly information.

Due to growing up online, I believe the Internet has positive aspects as well as negative, and is definitely a powerful tool in this day and age… It just depends on how we use it.

One thought on “Growing up Online

  1. This blog post is so true… I totally agree that there are both positive and negative outcomes from the use of technology. The normality of posting what you had for lunch and what brand your dress is, is scary. As a child that has grown up alongside technologies development I can openly admit to posting these sorts of things on Instagram and Facebook as it has become such a regular thing to do. When in reality no one really cares what was in your salad… However like you said without technology education might be at a much lower level and wouldn’t have had the ability to have advanced in such a way like it has. Saying this I personally wouldn’t change a thing about the pace technology has advanced rather reflect on the way in which we use it.

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