The Age Old Battle Between Open & Closed Source Software


I know that was a bit dramatic.

Anyway, I’m going to attempt to give you an explanation of what open and closed source software is, and their purposes, pretty much in layman’s terms. (think of /r/explainlikeimfive)

Open: This means that the code of the source is basically universally available (this means many different people can work on it, as well as expand and develop it). This is typically free (not always), but it is cheaper to create. It allows you more freedom in changing and developing it, with the input of a whole other community. An example of open source software is WordPress (ooh inception).

Closed: The “source code” is created by fancy tech people to guard it like it’s top secret, so the business can remain competitive. The code also controls how everything works, and can be updated or fixed only by the fancy tech guys. Closed source software is less likely to get bugged or glitchy and is generally quicker/easier. An example of this is Microsoft Office.

Info found at:


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