Harry Potter and the Goblet of Transmedia


Harry Potter is one of the most epic examples of transmedia (in my opinion) (and you should agree with me) (because it is fantastic).

Let me start off by explaining transmedia storytelling. It is described as “the technique of telling a single story or story experience across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies” (Wikipedia, 2016). With Harry Potter as an example, we see that the stories were originally told through print, a.k.a books. AMAZING books, might I add. Then it developed into the story being told through film. Through these different medias, they told the same story in two different ways. Now here is where it gets tricky: it continued on from there. Fans of the series created fan-fiction, creating another separate yet still linked story to tell. Then new books were written, with separate storylines but still set in the same universe. Then theatrical shows and plays were produced, telling yet another story to an audience. Websites have been created and merchandise is sold and worn my hundreds of thousands, if not millions. The original Harry Potter story developed into something so much bigger than what it was originally.

And that is what transmedia storytelling is. Now go watch Harry Potter.


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