University vs. Mental Health

BCM212, Uncategorized

This semester in University, I have been given the task of composing a small research report in relation to the ‘university student experience.’ I am aware that this is such a broad topic so there should be many pathways I can take, but still, my mind has been completely empty in regards to what I should choose to study. So I thought to myself, “what is something that has affected ME as a university student?”

Mental health. As a university student, certain aspects of this lifestyle can and have taken a toll on my mental health, and I am confident that I am not alone in this. But just how many students are experiencing this?

What I am aiming to find out through my research is what specifically about university is the main cause of peoples’ stress and decline in well-being? Is it the struggle of balancing their social life? Juggling work with study? Crippling debt? Or is it simply the university environment? I also aspire to discover what actions and resources the university providing to counteract these statistics. In regards to utilizing reflexive research techniques, I will take into consideration and be aware of my own experience and position on this topic. Any feedback is wholeheartedly appreciated and welcome.

3 thoughts on “University vs. Mental Health

  1. Quick thought: you’ve opened a big bag of marbles here, because of the way mental health attaches to all the things you’ve listed. So it could help you to decide where you want to focus under “mental health” (wellbeing v stress in a general way, or diagnosed conditions) and then what your most pressing question is.

    There’s a lot of good research on this topic, including from the UK and US, so you might want to start by reading around to see whether a smaller idea pops up.

    What you’re doing is really important.


    1. Awesome, that’s definitely a good point as mental health is such a broad thing in itself. I’ll definitely take all of that in. Thank you so much, it’s much appreciated!


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