10 Horror Films to Get You in a Spooky Mood for Halloween

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Halloween is coming (sort of, I mean it’s August. I’m giving you two months to prepare). I live in Australia so literally no one cares about Halloween, but personally, I am a Halloween hag. I love it. So I’m trying to encourage my fellow pals to get in the spooky mood with me by compiling a list of the top 10 horror/thriller/spooky movies (in my humble opinion).

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Quick disclaimer: These are movies that are, in one way or another, available to us in Australia (so they’re most likely available to everyone else). For some reason, Australian Netflix likes to deprive us of a large amount of great films. It literally doesn’t even have Harry Potter. But I digress.

Number 1: Creep (1-2)

As the title obviously suggests, this is one creepy film. This is filmed in the style of a handheld camera, from the perspective of one of the main characters. A videographer travels to the cabin of man who claims to have terminal cancer. He wishes to have a video filmed about him and his life that he can give to his unborn child for once he passes away. The lack of a music soundtrack makes this film even creepier, and there is genuinely good quality acting in this one. The sequel has the same sort of premise as its predecessor, however with a new videographer and a new cause for a home film to be made. In this, a female protagonist comes to film the “creep”, and he admits to her that he is a murderer. She is a struggling film-maker and sees the opportunity to create a film about the secret life of a serial killer; an exciting and unique angle that she thinks will proper her career. This has so many twists and turns, particularly at the end, and they are some of favourite eerie films.

Number 2: Get Out

This one is probably one of my favourites of all time. A horror film that tackles major issues like racism? Yes please. I sat in silence during the credit scene just going over in my mind how incredible of a film it was. An African-American man goes to meet his girlfriend’s new parents and it takes a huge turn that I did not expect. If you take away anything from this list, I hope it is that this film will go down in history as a masterpiece.

Number 3: The Shining

This is a classic. Jack Nicholson and his eyebrows blessed us all in this one. A writer and his family move out to this desolate old hotel so he can write some new content and boy, oh boy… You’d hope this film turned out good, especially since there were scenes that they filmed and re-shot almost 150 times; and it most definitely is.

Number 4: Carrie (the original)

Carrie is pretty creepy and disturbing honestly. And if you haven’t already seen it, I won’t spoil the big surprise for you at the end. Just a heads up though, some parts in this film are a little outdated, but it’s definitely a good one to get you in the spooky mood. Just wait until Carrie gives you the look. You’ll know it when you see it.

Number 5: Veronica

This one is in another language, but please hear me out. All you need are subtitles (which it has). This one actually scared the crap out of me. It also involves a Ouija board which instantly ups the spook factor, in my opinion. Plus, it gets bonus points for the fact that it is apparently based on a true story.

Number 6: Blair Witch Project

Ah, the first horror movie I ever saw. I think I was 13, and I didn’t get a restful sleep for about a week afterwards. A group of friends go into the woods together with handheld cameras to make a film about the legend of the Blair Witch. They get lost, and literally everything goes wrong. It basically made me permanently terrified to go on a hike in the woods ever again.

Number 7: Train to Busan

Like ‘Veronica’, this is also a foreign film, but it is from South Korea! This one is set on a fast-travelling train during a zombie outbreak, and will have your heart pumpin’ like you just ran a marathon. According to the good old internet, this film is the 8th highest grossing domestic film to come out of South Korea, so it’s definitely worth watching.

Number 8: The Silence of the Lambs

“Hello Clarice”. Iconic. Hannibal Lector has gone down in history as one of the eeriest characters, and also one of the most emotionally confusing. He’s a cannibalistic murderer, but also super likeable? Jodie Foster with a wonderful southern accent is the main protagonist in the film, where she works for the police and is trying to prove herself as worthy in the force. She is given the task of tracking down a serial killer on the loose: Buffalo Bill (this sounds like an ice cream we have here in Australia, but please don’t get them confused). It’s filled with juicy quotes like, “It rubs the lotion on its skin”. Good stuff.

Number 9: Shaun of the Dead

This one is for the people who still want a good dose of humour while they watch people get eaten by zombies. There has been a zombie apocalypse and the two main characters are hilariously oblivious to the fact for a fair chunk of the film, and when they do find out, they try to survive in the most hilarious ways possible. This one will have you laughing and sorta grossed out at the same time.

Number 10: Scream (1-4)

I couldn’t make this list without including some campy ones. The acting in these are not Oscar-worthy, but it’s fun, semi-predictable and not going to keep you up all night in a terrified sweat. With the super iconic Scream mask, it’s definitely a series to binge-watch before October 31st.

Now let’s get spooky.


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