Webcam Wilderness


Most people these days are involved in a media space. For example, there are currently over 2 billion active people on Facebook, and there is a constant growth of people interacting with others on Twitter or posting images onto Instagram. Sometimes these media places overlap with reality, and that’s where it becomes a little scary.

There are many sites online that offer the use of webcams to talk to strangers, however there are two that are most widely known and used: Chatroulette and Omegle. Although they were most likely (and hopefully) created with naïve and generally positive intentions, there have been many instances where such websites has been abused for other purposes.

Imagine being 13 and going to a sleepover at a friend’s house. They have WiFi (and you don’t) so you’re super excited to be able to use the internet. They suggest, “Let’s try one of those Webchat websites! I heard it’s pretty funny.” You log on, easily ignore the ’18+’ sticker in the corner of the site, and continue. A square comes up on the screen, and in the centre, there is someone performing something explicit. Pretty gross. This was my introduction to the world of Omegle, and I’m sure it has been the same for many others. Media places can be easily accessed, particularly these days with the rise of technology among young children.

Here’s another scenario: Imagine being at home, young and bored, wondering what all the hype is surrounded those chat websites. You log on, click on the ‘video’ button, and a stranger starts complimenting you. They ask you to do something explicit; you don’t want to, but they’re being so nice to you so you oblige. In an instant, the chat is over and soon enough the stranger’s screenshot of you in the video chat has been posted on the internet and seen by your peers and other people of the internet.

This story was true for a young girl names Amanda Todd, who tragically ended up taking her own life due to the cruel, real-world consequences associated with something that occurred in a media place.

Of course though, whether media places are going to be either positive or negative is determined by how we, as people, use it.